Find Employement

Our mission is to find a real job within the community for every person with Down syndrome who wants one. Are you ready to work? Here’s some of the differences between attending school and being in the workplace.

In School

  • Counselors and teachers are paid to help prepare you for success. 

  • Decisions are around you and sometimes involve you.

  • Everyone wants you to succeed and tries to help. 

  • You are surrounded by people with common backgrounds, problems and interests

  • If you do not work, you get disciplined but you are encouraged to do better.

In the Workplace

  • You are paid to do a job. You do it or you will not succeed.

  • Decisions revolve around the company management and their     customers.

  • Most co-workers do not care if you succeed. Some may not want you     to succeed.

  • There may be no one with the same problems or interests as you.

  • If you do not work or do you job poorly, you will get fired.

Developed by Michigan Rehabilitation Services

Do you think you’re ready to work? If the answer is yes, let us help you. Click the link to fill out our Employment Survey!